Rabu, 21 April 2010



1.1 Background Issues
See the development of today's business world quite rapidly and in a state of the Indonesian economy like this, business is an alternative, or even become the main purpose funds, both managed a small business households, or investing - the investment made by the owners of capital in large ligkup . For example, businesses in the supply of drinking water refill depots (AMDIU).
Drinking water is the most important human needs. As is known, the moisture content reaches 68 percent of the human body, and to stay alive, the water in the body must be maintained. In fact, drinking water needs of each person varies from 2.1 liters to 2.8 liters per day, depending on weight and activity. However, in order to stay healthy, drinking water must meet the physical, chemical, and bacteriological. To meet drinking water needs of the population is not easy. With the level of water consumption on average between 2.1 and 2.8 liters per person per day, most of the drinking water needs are met for water sources from wells or surface water that has been processed by Regional Water Company (PDAM) . Because of increasingly poor quality of well water, while water taps have not been able to supply sufficient quantities and quality, consumption of bottled water (bottled water) rose sharply today.

This encourages the growth of bottled water industry in major cities in Indonesia. Currently there are many depots drinking water industry refill (AMDIU).

growing rapidly and has become one of the alternatives business small and medium scale business as well as contributing to the drinking water supply in big cities.

The emergence of this effort was a very good response from the community. Along with this, investors are aware of this request, then the investors trying to build this business. Because business AMDIU (drinking water refill depots) is quite tempting so few people who do not have the capital plans to open a business such AMDIU. For example, in Bekasi, especially Jl. Pekopen Raya No. 108 Market Singleton, City of Bekasi can be found several AMDIU. This business is home-based businesses are managed directly by the owners of capital. So, in other words AMDIU businesses in the area is still small in scale.

Based on the above presentation, the author will try to examine more info on the ins - outs of the business world through CV Zamzam made reference to scientific writing this with the title "FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT IN CV Zamzam Tambun BEKASI"

1.2 Problem formulation and Limits
At this time the need for water (drinking water) in Indonesia is very worrying. Seeing the fact that there was then, CV Zamzam plans to open new branches in order to expand its business.
The formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows:
• Are opening new branches CV Zamzam is feasible or not to be implemented?

While the problem definition in this writing, limited to the opening of new branches in PERUM Regency. The author conducted a study to CV Zamzam began in April - May 2009, using the SWOT analysis and by calculating:
1. Payback Period (PP)
2. Net Present Value (NPV)
3. Profitability Index (PI)
4. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

1.3. Objective
To assess the feasibility of investment in starting a business from all aspects of Zamzam CV:
1. Market and marketing aspects
2. Aspects of operational management
3. Aspects of engineering and technology
4. Legal and social aspects
5. Financial aspects

1.4. Benefit Research
1. For authors:
Adding insight and understanding of the ins - outs of the problems faced in opening a business in the field of water production.
2. For the object of research:
Memdapat input / suggestions on the feasibility of a business that will be developed CV Zamzam

3. For general
As a reference in research - further research related to this issue.

1.5. Research Methods
1.5.1. Research Object
CV Zamzam is a private business engaged in the production of drinking water. Using emerging technologies CV Zamzam water can produce high quality and safe to consumed. Zamzam CV stand on August 10, 2007 is located at Jl. Pekopen Raya No. 108 Market Tambun, Bekasi. With a minimum capital CV Zamzam is also able to maintain its presence in this business in early 2009 proved to CV Zamzam intend to re-open a new business with the same field. With a motto of "providing the best quality drinking water" CV Zamzam is committed to always give and serve customers wholeheartedly.

1.5.2 Data and Variables
Because of this scientific writing only about the feasibility of investment in opening new branches CV Zamzam, the data used in this paper is the direct interview data to the owner.

1.5.3 Method of Data Collection
Data collection methods used by the writer in this research are:
a. Bibliographical Method (Lybrary Research) that is by collecting, reading, studying and reviewing textbooks, newspapers, magazines, internet and other discussions related to the author carefully.
b. Field Research (Field Research) to get the data (primere), the author conducted interviews directly to the owner of Zamzam CV

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